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Summer Chemistry Research at the University of Mississippi

The Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Summer Research Program seeks applicants for an NSF-funded summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Ten students who have completed their freshman year of college and who have not yet graduated can participate fully in the Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Research Program activities and work on a research project under the direction of a faculty mentor. Student participants will receive a $5,000 stipend, a housing and meal plan for ten weeks, and travel assistance. Eligibility: Undergraduate student participants must have completed their freshmen year of college but not yet graduated, and must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. Underrepresented groups in science are strongly encouraged to apply, including minorities, women, and first-generation college students.

The goals of the program are to: 1. Offer directed research opportunities during the summer to undergraduate and high school students. 2. Provide training in the form of lectures and mini-courses from the faculty. 3. Offer opportunities for students to learn how theory and experiment work together. 4. Allow students (high school, undergraduate, and graduate) to present research talks (20 to 40 min) to a large (50+) peer audience. 5. Develop a student cohort through social activities to help promote chemistry as a viable career option for undergraduate students.


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