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Countering Russian Propaganda and increasing appreciation for the US in Germany; Diplomacy Lab

Diplomacy Lab is an partnership between the State Department and various universities. Professors write bids for relevant projects, then spend the semester researching and writing policy briefs for various offices at the State Department. Students enroll in IS/PSCI 4034: Topics in Diplomacy Lab to earn 3 credits. Opportunities include participating in group research (with undergraduates, MA students, PhD candidates, faculty, and practitioners), publishing, and presenting in Washington D.C.

This Project:

In Germany, according to opinion polling, Russia has almost the same popularity as the U.S. What factors have caused German public opinion to equate the two countries as equal despite the values and long positive history that the U.S. and Germany share and the fact that Russia is more of a threat to Germany than an ally? How can we counter Russian messaging and increase positive appreciation for the US in Germany especially in messaging to the 18 to 35 year olds?

Interested students should contact Chris Price or visit 119 Major Williams Hall.

All majors are welcome!

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