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From Africa to Auschwitz: Racism, Capitalism & William Styron

Professor Danielle Christmas (UNC-Chapel Hill) will discuss the author William Styron who, in his "The Confessions of Nat Turner" (1967) and "Sophie's Choice" (1979), argues that economic motives alone can explain the atrocities committed against Black Americans and European Jews. In fact, he argues that the latter couldn't have taken place without the former - that the Nazi concentration camps were, in reality, a "new plantation." Here, Prof. Christmas will consider this argument next to other explanations related to Engerman and Fogel's "Time on the Cross," Rubenstein's "The Cunning of History," and controversial fillmmaker Parker's "The Birth of a Nation."

A dinner reception will follow the event.

This event is free and open to the public.

When: Tuesday, April 11 5:30-6:30 pm

Where: 340 Lavery Hall (Turner Place)

Sponsor: Department of Religion and Culture, Rosenberg Program Judaic Studies, Intercultural Engagement Center

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